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  第四届“博鳌国际诗歌奖”评选日前揭晓,中国诗人向明(Xiang Ming)、澳大利亚诗人Philip Salom(菲利普·萨隆)等获奖。


5票:向明(Xiang Ming,中国台湾)
4票:Philip Salom(菲利普·萨隆,澳大利亚)
1票:Christopher Okemwa(克里斯托弗·奥克姆瓦,肯尼亚)

5票:Vadim Terekhin(瓦迪姆·特里金,俄罗斯)
5票:远岸(Yuan An,中国)
4票:王峰(Wang Feng,中国)
4票:禺农(Yu Nong,中国)
4票:Yasef Ananda(亚瑟夫·阿南达,古巴)

5票:《Ruscellante-移动》(意大利文版),[瑞士]Lucilla Trapazzo(卢茜拉·特拉帕佐)著。意大利沃尔图尼亚(Volturnia Edizioni)出版社,2021年4月第1版。
4票:《高凯诗选》,[中国]高凯(Gao Kai)著。长江文艺出版社,2020年11月第1版。
4票:《舞蹈的节奏》,[中国]李金昆(Li Jinkun)著。北京时代华文书局,2021年6月第1版。
4票:《时间笔记》,[中国]梁平(Liang Ping)著。花城出版社,2020年4月第1版。
4票:《非语-Unconventional language》(中英双语版),[中国]陆地(Lu Di)著,许剑桐、齐凤艳译。澳大利亚先驱出版社(The Herald Publisher),2021年6月第1版。
4票:《渴望时间最后的修饰》,[中国]南鸥(Nan Ou)著。江苏凤凰美术出版社,2021年2月第1版。
2票:《蝴蝶·蜻蜓-A Butterfly & A Dragonfly》(中英双语版),海岸著(中国)
1票:《在爱的废墟上》(中文版),Rupi Kaur(露比·考尔著,加拿大)
1票:《镜里纹身-Tattoo in Mirror》(中文版),潘黎明著(中国)
1票:《花开的声音-The Sound of Flowers Blooming》(中文版),(中国)张维军著(中国)

4票:邹黎明(Zou Liming,中国,1994)
3票:Jonathan Mulcahy(乔纳森·马尔卡希,加拿大,1984)
3票:Stefano Cortese(斯特法诺·柯蒂斯,意大利,1990)
3票:王彤乐(Wang Tongle,中国,1999)
3票:徐今今(Jinjin Xu,中国澳门,1994)
3票:周焱(Zhou Yan,中国,1987)
2票:Umut Yalim(乌穆特·亚利姆,土耳其,1984)


Vinogradova Olga(奥笳·维诺格拉多娃,俄罗斯诗人,世界诗歌网学术委员)

大 卫(诗人,中国好诗榜组委会执行主任)
安 琪(诗人,中国诗歌学会常务理事)
Nurduran Duman(纽都然·杜门,诗人、翻译家,土耳其作家笔会主席团成员)
倮 倮(诗人,世界诗歌网评审委员)
韩庆成(诗人,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志主编)

艾 子(诗人,海南省作家协会副主席)
马世聚(澳大利亚诗人、翻译家,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志编委)
Roberto Aedo(罗伯特·艾多,诗人、翻译家,智利大学教授)
韩庆成(诗人,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志主编)

刘 川(诗人,《诗潮》杂志主编)
Andrea Rivas(安德里娅·里瓦斯,墨西哥诗人、翻译家)
大 枪(诗人,昭通学院文学研究院研究员)
曹 谁(诗人、翻译家,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志副主编)



向明(Xiang Ming)


Philip Salom(菲利浦·萨隆)

Philip Salom has published fourteen books of poetry and five novels. His poetry has won national and international acclaim, including twice winning the Commonwealth Poetry Prize in London, the Western Australian Premier's Prize (twice) and the Newcastle Poetry Prize (1996 and 2000). Salom has been recognised with Australia's prestigious Christopher Brennan Award, a lifetime award for poetry "of sustained quality and distinction".
His collection The Well Mouth was a Sydney Morning Herald Book of the Year and Adelaide Review Book of the Year. Two of Salom's books are heteronymic - The Keeper of Fish by Alan Fish, and Keeping Carter by MA Carter. His recent novels Waiting and The Returns were both shortlisted for Australia's most prestigious fiction prize, the Miles Franklin Award.

澳大利亚诗人、小说家。已出版十四本诗集和五本长篇小说。他的诗歌博得国内外的声望,包括两次获得英联邦诗歌奖、两次西澳州长奖和纽卡斯尔诗歌奖(1996 年和 2000 年)。 他也收获了克里斯托弗·布伦南奖(Christopher Brennan Award),一项授予“恒久的质量和卓越”的诗歌终身奖项。他的作品《井口》被评为《悉尼先驱晨报》年度最佳图书和阿德莱德年度评论图书。 他还化名Alan Fish 和 MA Carter 写作了两本书。他最近的长篇小说《等待》和《归来》先后入围澳大利亚最负盛名的小说奖——玛尔斯·富兰克林奖。


Vadim Terekhin(瓦迪姆·特里金)

Vadim Terekhin-poet, co-Chairman of the Russian writers ' Union, Vice-President of the international Academy of Russian literature (Moscow). Chairman of the Kaluga regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Union of writers of Russia". member of the coordinating Council of the international poetic movement "World without walls" (VSP), corresponding member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and arts (Saint Petersburg), full member of the Academy of Russian literature (Moscow), full state adviser of the second class of the Kaluga region.
27.01 was born in 1963 in the village Pesochensky of the Tula region. He graduated from the Kazan higher military command and engineering school of the rocket forces named after Marshal of artillery M. N. Chistyakov and the Moscow literary Institute named after M. Gorky. Served at the Baikonur cosmodrome, works in the field of literature, culture, art and cinematography.
Winner of literary awards: all-Ukrainian literary award named after Taras Shevchenko (2018), the international Slavic literary forum "Golden knight" (2016, Golden knight in the category "poetry"), the all-Russian award named after the poet-frontman V, T. Stantsev (2016), the international award "Imperial culture" named after Eduard Volodin (2012), the Literary Award "Belukha" named after G. D. Grebenshchikov (2012), prize of the Central Federal district of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (2009), winner of the honorary prize of the poetry Forum in Bahrain (2007), national literary prize "the Paternal house" the name of the brothers Kireevsky (2002), winner of the second contest Filaret's religious poetry on the Internet (2001), the literary prize of the publishing house "the Golden path" (2000), literary award named after Marina Tsvetayeva (1998), national award of Fund of support of democracy for young writers (1996).


远岸(Yuan An)


王峰(Wang Feng)


禺农(Yu Nong)


Yasef Ananda(亚瑟夫·阿南达)

Yasef Ananda (Havana, 1975),Film and television producer, screenwriter, journalist and poet. Bachelor of Arts and Media and Science (Cuban University of Art), Master of Arts in Screenplay Writing and Theory (University of Bergen, Norway) and postgraduate studies in Beijing Film Academy.In 1995 he write the film "Unicorns, The Garden of Fruit" was the first co-production between Latin America and India. Also he has created a large number of fiction films and documentaries. As a poet, he published a poetry collections “Siege” (1995) and “A Ordinary Afternoon” (2008) and “April in May” (2018). Also is the author of the essay book “Journalism and Nation” (2013).He won the first prize for the best short film production at the Latin American Film Festival, and the best cultural website in the annual award of the Iberoamerican Commission for Media and Social Communication. He coordinated a important plastic arts exhibitions, literary and cinema interchange to closely link Cuba with India, Japan and China. Is member of the National Association of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC) and National Association of Cuban Social Media Communication (ACSC). Actually, he live in Beijing and works as a foreigner expert for the People′s Daily Media Group.

影视制作人、诗人、作家。 中国权威媒体《人民日报》外籍专家。古巴高等艺术学院传媒科学学士,挪威卑尔根大学影视剧本创作及理论硕士。1995年创作《独角兽,水果的花园》,拉丁美洲与印度首次联合制片。先后创作并完成了大量的科幻电影、纪录片、电视节目、视频剪辑、广告及多媒体影视作品。出版诗集《围城》(1995年)及《平常的下午》(2008年)、《新闻业与国家》(2013年),最近的一部诗集为 《四月中的五月》。曾获拉丁美洲电影艺术节短片制作一等奖,其创办的文化网站获得社会传播者拉丁美洲委员会年度奖。曾多次举办造型艺术展览,通过大量文学及影视作品创作将古巴与印度、日本、中国紧密关联,为古巴与亚洲之间的文化交流做出了重要贡献。系古巴作家艺术家协会(UNEAC)、古巴社会传播者协会(ACSC)成员。



Lucilla Trapazzo(卢茜拉·特拉帕佐)

Lucilla Trapazzo is an Italian-Swiss poet. Her activities range among poetry, theater/performance (teaching workshops in Italy and abroad, directing, acting),  installations, translations, and literary critiques. In her works she longs for a synthesis of the different artistic languages. Her poems have been published in International anthologies and literary magazines, and awarded numerous prizes (one for all, her book Ossidiana, won the First Prize “I Murazzi”, Turin, 2019). Featured in poetry International Festivals in Macedonia, Tunisia, Albania, Serbia, her works of art are shown at International exhibitions and festivals in the UK, USA, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and South America.

意大利籍瑞士诗人、画家、剧作家、翻译家。她创作诗歌、戏剧、绘画、评论等,同时也做演员、导演。在她的作品中,擅长综合不同的艺术语言。诗歌入选多个国际选本,并获得众多奖项。其中《黛安娜》获得了2019年意大利都灵市I Murazzi一等奖。曾参加马其顿、突尼斯、阿尔巴尼亚、塞尔维亚等国际诗歌节,艺术作品曾在英国、美国、法国、意大利、比利时、荷兰和南美的国际展览和艺术节上展出。



高凯(Gao Kai)




李金昆(Li Jinkun)




梁平(Liang Ping)


《非语-Unconventional language》

《非语-Unconventional language》.jpg

陆地(Lu Di)




南鸥(Nan Ou)


邹黎明(Zou Liming)


Jonathan Mulcahy(乔纳森·马尔卡希)

Jonathan Mulcahy is a poet, editor, and creative writing instructor based in Shanghai. 1984 he is born in Wales and then raised in Canada, His publications include Euryphion (Swan World, Paris 2017), Tonopah and Tidewater RR (Simulacrum Press, Canada; 2018) and Glitch Text Generator (No Press, Canada; 2019). He has spoken at several international  conferences, including The 8th International Conference of Chinese/American Poetry and Poetics (CAAP) in Hangzhou, China (2019), The Maritime Silk Road International Poetry Summit on Hainan Island (2020), and Qinghai Lake Poetry Festival (2021). Jonathan is an active member of Shanghai’s DIY art scene and creative director of FREQS., a collaborative bilingual event combining poetry and other artforms. He works at XWIS, Shanghai International Studies University. His collaborative project HYPERION was featured as part of IN TEN 2021, a charity auction for the mental health organization Lifeline, Shanghai. He is currently researching the links between supermodernism, cognitive ecopoetics, and contemporary chinese ecopoetry.  

加拿大新锐诗人、编辑和创意写作导师。1984年出生于联合王国威尔士,随后在加拿大长大。出版有《欧洲潮流》(天鹅世界,2017年,巴黎)、《托诺帕》《潮水RR》(加拿大拟像出版社,2018)和《故障文本生成器》(加拿大,2019)。曾在多个国际会议上发表演讲,包括2019年在中国杭州举行的第八届中美诗歌和诗学国际会议(CAAP)、2020年在海南岛举行的海上丝绸之路国际诗歌峰会以及2021年青海湖诗歌节。他目前在上海外国语大学XWIS工作,是上海DIY艺术现场的活跃成员,也是FREQS的创意总监。FREQS是一个结合诗歌和其他艺术形式的双语合作活动。他的合作项目HYPERION是精神卫生组织生命线(Lifeline)在上海举办的慈善拍卖会“IN TEN 2021”的一部分。他目前正在研究超级现代主义、认知生态诗学和当代中国生态诗之间的联系。

Stefano Cortese(斯特法诺·科尔蒂斯)

Stefano Cortese was born in Naples, Italy, in 1990. He graduated in Literature at the University of Naples "Federico II" and he has been working as a writer since the age of 15. He published his first book in Rome, in 2009, a poetry collection titled To the moray and to the rainy sky .In 2014 he published the historical novel The Best Company, set in Roman times, which was followed by the biographical novel Virgil or the Land of Sunset, about the life of the Latin poet Virgil, author of the poem Aeneid. He specializes in historical fiction and publishes in Naples, between 2018 and 2020, the novels The Oscan, which takes place in the Greek era, and e Manzoni is dead, set in the Nineteenth century, at the time of the Unification of Italy.He also wrote the collections of short stories Dark Explorer (2018) and The Basilisk (2017), the thriller The white darkness (2018) and the historical essay My Seasons. He has participated in several literary prizes in Italy and has published short stories and poems in many anthologies. Currently, he lives and works in Naples.


王彤乐(Wang Tongle)


徐今今(Jinjin Xu)

1994年出生于上海,中国澳门籍,诗人,试验性电影制作人。本科毕业于Amherst College。2017年获得Thomas J. Watson Fellowship 的资助走访亚、欧、非九国一年,与难民及边缘女人一同写作。2020年获美国诗歌协会(Poetry Society of America)头等奖George Bogin Memorial Award。诗歌曾提名于美国诗坛多项重要奖项:美国最佳新诗人奖(Best New Poets), 美国诗歌协会Cecil Hemley Memorial Prize, 《巴黎评论》新人奖(Paris Review Discovery Prize), Southern Humanities Review Witness Prize, Tupelo Quartet Prize, 以及美国出版界荣誉最高奖项小推车奖(Pushcart Prize)。自编、自导电影在柏林Harun Farocki Institut及纽约移民双年展(Immigrant Artist Biennial)展出。2018年获纽约大学年度唯一全额奖学金Lillian Vernon Fellowship就读诗歌MFA,现任纽约大学创意写作兼职教授,获得“未来想象教学奖”及“纽约大学电影剧本创作奖”。处女作诗集 “There Is Still Singing in the Afterlife”《来世仍有歌声》获首届Own Voices Chapbook Prize,2020年在纽约出版。第二本诗集《这是我的证词》将2021年10月由Black Warrior Review 出版。现任《Washington Square Review 》书评总编。

周焱(Zhou Yan)


The Winners Of The 4th Boao International Poetry Award Announced

Outstanding Achievement Award, Poet Of The Year Award, Poetry Collection Of The Year Award, Young Pioneer Poet Of The Year Award

The winners of the 4th Boao International Poetry Award was announced, including Chinese poet Xiang Ming and Australian poet Philip Salom.
In order to prosper the world poetry writing and promote the internationalization of Chinese poetry, the selection activity of the 4th Boao International Poetry Award sponsored by Boao International Poetry Festival, World Poetry Movement and Huang Yazhou Poetry Development Foundation began to solicit works on March 21 and ended on July 20, 2021. On August 10, the organizing committee conducted a preliminary review of more than 200 recommended and self recommended works for the "Poet Of The Year Award", more than 50 recommended and self recommended poetry collections for the "Poetry Collection Of The Year Award", and more than 60 recommended and self recommended works for the "Young Pioneer Poet Of The Year Award". 36 Chinese and foreign poets, 16 Chinese and foreign poetry collections and 22 Chinese and foreign young poets were shortlisted. Three Chinese and foreign poets were nominated for the "Outstanding Achievement Award" recommended by the organizing committee. From September 10 to 23, the jury of the fourth Boao International Poetry Award voted to produce the selection results of the "Outstanding Achievement Award", "Poet Of The Year Award", "Poetry Collection Of The Year Award" and "Young Pioneer Poet Of The Year Award" of the fourth Boao International Poetry Award. The list of winners is as follows (sorted by the number of votes, the same number of votes, sorted by the Pinyin of the author's Chinese name):

Outstanding Achievement Award:
Xiang Ming (Taiwan, China)
Philip Salom ( Australia)

Poet Of The Year Award:
Vadim Terekhin (Russia)
Yuan An (China)
Wang Feng (China)
Yu Nong (China)
Yasef Ananda (Cuba)

Poetry Collection Of The Year Award:
Ruscellante (Italian version), by Lucilla Trapazzo [Switzerland] . Voltania Edizioni, Italy, 1st edition, April 2021.
Selected Poems of Gao Kai, by Gao Kai [China]. Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 1st edition, November 2020.
Rhythm of Dance, by Li Jinkun [China] . Beijing Times Chinese Book Company, 1st edition, June 2021.
Time Notes, by Liang Ping [China]. Huacheng Publishing House, 1st edition, April 2020.
Unconventional Language (bilingual edition), by Lu Di, translated by Xu Jiantong and Qi Fengyan. The Herald Publisher, 1st edition, June 2021.
Longing For the Last Modification of Time, by Nan Ou [China]. Jiangsu Phoenix Art Publishing House, 1st edition, February 2021.

Young Pioneer Poet Of The Year Award
Zou Liming (China, 1994)
Jonathan Mulcahy (Canada, 1984)
Stefano Cortese ( Italy, 1990)
Wang Tongle (China, 1999)
Jinjin Xu, (Macao, China, 1994)
Zhou Yan (China, 1987)

During the selection of the 4th Boao International Poetry Award, five poetry collections and five young poets won the same votes in Poetry Collection Of The Year Award and Young Pioneer Poet Of The Year Award, one more poetry collection and one young poet than the original award. According to the selection rules of Boao International Poetry Award, the organizing committee decided to let them win the awards side by side.

The Jury Of The 4th Boao International Poetry Award:
(in no particular order)
Judges Of Outstanding Achievement Award
Huang Yazhou (poet and writer, vice chairman of the 6th China Writers Association and chairman of Boao International Poetry Festival)
Xu Jingya (poet, critic, professor of Poetics Center of Hainan University)
Geng Zhanchun (poet, critic, professor and doctoral supervisor of Henan University)
Chen Zhongyi (critic, professor of Amoy City University)
Vinogradova Olga ( Russian poet, academic member of World Poetry Network)

Judges Of The Poet Of The Year Award
Wang Jianzhao (poet, translator, professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing Foreign Studies University)
Da Wei (poet, executive director of the organizing committee of Chinese Good Poetry List)
Zhuang Weijie (poet and critic, professor of Qingdao Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shandong University)
An Qi (poet, executive director of Chinese Poetry Society)
Nurduran Duman( poet and translator, member of the presidium of the Turkish Writers Pen Association)
Luo Luo (poet, jury member of World Poetry Network)
Han Qingcheng (poet, editor in chief of World Poetry magazine)

Judges Of The Poetry Collection Of The Year Award
Yang Siping (critic, Professor of Shanghai Foreign Studies University and doctoral supervisor of Anhui Normal University)
Ai Zi (poet, vice chairman of Hainan Writers Association)
Ma Shiju (Australian poet, translator, editorial board member of World Poetry magazine)
Roberto Aedo ( poet, translator, doctor of University of Chile)
Wang Guilin (poet, deputy editor in chief of Yanhe poetry magazine)
Han Qingcheng (poet, editor in chief of World Poetry magazine)

Judges Of The Young Pioneer Poet Of The Year Award
Liu Chuan (poet, editor in chief of Poetry Tide magazine)
An Haiyin (poet, editor in chief of Poetry Forest magazine)
Andrea Rivas (Mexican poet and translator)
Da Qiang (poet, researcher of Literature Research Institute of Zhaotong University)
Cao Shui (poet, translator, deputy editor in chief of World Poetry magazine)
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