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《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志徽标

  本网讯 《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志社成立仪式,2020年10月17日在博鳌亚洲论坛国际会议中心举行。中国著名诗人、批评家徐敬亚、陈仲义、车延高、大卫,俄罗斯著名诗人伊琳娜·丘特诺娃、唐曦兰,著名翻译家、《World Poetry·世界诗歌》编委树才,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志社社长禺农,副主编牧野、曹谁出席成立仪式并为中文编辑部揭牌。《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志社主编韩庆成主持成立暨揭牌仪式。


  禺农首先介绍《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志的基本情况。他说,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》由澳大利亚先驱出版社、世界诗歌运动、博鳌国际诗歌节联合主办,先驱出版社出版,国际标准刊号:ISSN 2652-7669。杂志为中英双语季刊,大16开本,全彩色装帧设计,澳洲、中国同时印刷,是世界唯一全彩色设计印刷的中英双语诗歌杂志。《World Poetry·世界诗歌》将通过亚马逊全球公开发行,通过先驱出版社发行英语区国家实体书店和澳洲连锁书店,通过博鳌国际诗歌节合作单位在港澳台地区及东南亚国家发行。同时,杂志将赠送澳大利亚国家图书馆、各州图书馆和数量庞大的社区图书馆;赠送世界诗歌运动分布于135个国家的近300个成员组织;赠送博鳌国际诗歌节组织委员会、评审委员会成员和历届获奖诗人;赠送世界诗歌网学术委员、评审委员、编辑委员以及国内各省频道顾问;赠送中国内地及港澳台地区部分学术研究机构、大学图书馆和知名诗人、批评家、翻译家、学者;赠送世界诗歌网主办的国际微诗大赛、世界华语诗歌大赛、中文同题诗大赛、中国诗歌擂台赛部分或全部获奖诗人,构建一面前所未有的国际发行、赠阅网络。
  树才以杂志编委和翻译家的双重视角,代表编委会谈到《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志创办的意义和可行的路径。他说,汉语诗歌尤其是现代诗歌,一直跟外语关系非常近。一个诗人,他的现代意识越好,他对翻译就越敏感。我们看100年以来的优秀现代诗人,精通一门外语,身兼作者和译者的,占一半以上,而且,其中一大部分是很重要的诗人。进入新世纪以后,像吉狄马加主席创办青海湖国际诗歌节,实际上是为国际诗歌建立了一个在中国交流的平台。我很钦佩吉狄马加的毅力,他在青海十年中,青海湖国际诗歌节成功举办了五届,这是我们一开始筹划的时候没有想到的。很多外国诗人被邀请到中国,他们都是带着兴奋的心情而来,既要发现中国这个神秘的国度,也想了解中国当代的诗人,他们在中国受到隆重的款待,非常希望能为中国的诗歌做一些事情。也确实有一些幸运的中国诗人,通过青海湖国际诗歌节,作品被翻译到国外。这些作品在国外阅读的纯粹程度,是超过汉语的。中国诗人的国际形象,往往是建立在你的作品被翻译成英语、法语、西班牙语以及其他语言之上的。目前,中外诗歌之间,存在着一种焦虑,中外诗歌的交流,就落在了我们的身上。创办《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志,某种意义上就是为了消除这种焦虑。其实,所有其他语言的诗人,都是在用他们的汉语写诗,而我们的汉语诗人,只有把汉语诗歌写好了,才有可能被翻译成其他的语言。我是做法语翻译的,有好多诗人天真地认为我可以把中国的诗歌直接翻译成法文,这是超出我的能力的,我至今也不敢尝试。我们需要多多团结具有跨语言工作能力的外国诗人,所以说,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志的创办恰逢其时。我听庆成兄介绍,这本杂志不仅物质形式会非常精美,而且会更加注重内容和发行。我想,我们应该动员国内优秀的译家,乃至采取与外国诗人合作的方式,探索一条更加有效的翻译途径。创作与翻译通常都有一个时差,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志的创办,将促成它们的相对同时,就像法语诗歌与德语诗歌,它们是相当同步的,你的诗歌在法语出版的时候,在德语基本上都得到了反响。汉语诗歌是我们的文化软实力,如果汉语诗歌创作出来以后能够在很快的时间和很大的范围通达国外,这将是对中国文化自信的一个巨大贡献。同时,通过《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志,我们也将在第一时间阅读到当今英语诗歌的最新成果。因此,我对这份杂志充满期待,因为它非常契合当下汉语诗歌和诗人的现实需要。




  韩庆成在发言时说,在全球化面临困难的时期,我明显感觉到中外的文化交流已经出现信任问题。在这样的背景下,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志将克服困难,致力于推动中西诗歌的双向交流与互动。最近一个月,针对《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志的编辑、出版、印刷和发行,我与外国特别是英语国家的诗人进行了多次深入交流,超过一个小时的多方视频会议,就已经开了三次。随着英文编辑部和中文编辑部相继开始运行,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志的组稿和装帧设计正在有序推进,以确保杂志创刊号于2021年1月10日出版。今天,在博鳌亚洲论坛这个国际化的舞台上,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志社宣告正式成立。明年1月,先驱出版社将在澳大利亚举行《World Poetry·世界诗歌》创刊号发行仪式,《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志网站届时也将在澳大利亚开通,每期杂志都会同步上线,为读者提供有偿的网络阅读服务。我们有信心与外国同仁一起努力,向“打造世界顶级诗歌杂志”的目标迈进。韩庆成欢迎中外诗人投稿,中文作品除特约稿外,请发到世界诗歌网国际诗歌论坛“诗歌”频道(网址:www.worldpoetry.cn),英文征稿面向中国以外的世界各国诗人,请发至世界诗歌网国际频道区英语频道,或邮箱:worldpoetrymagazine@outlook.com
  随后,举行了《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志社中文编辑部揭牌仪式。在主持人韩庆成倒计数口令下,徐敬亚、陈仲义、车延高、树才、大卫、伊琳娜·丘特诺娃、唐曦兰、禺农、牧野、曹谁共同拉开覆盖在“世界诗歌杂志社中文编辑部”中英双语牌匾上的红色丝绸,标志着中文编辑部正式开始运作。

附:《World Poetry·世界诗歌》编辑委员会

费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon,诗人,哥伦比亚麦德林国际诗歌节主席、世界诗歌运动总协调员)

主 任:

大卫·慕斯格雷夫(David Musgrave ,澳大利亚诗人、学者、翻译家)

委 员:
加布里尔·杰米·弗兰克(Gabriel Jaime Franco,哥伦比亚诗人、麦德林国际诗歌节秘书长)
纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman,诗人、翻译家,土耳其作家笔会主席团成员)
树 才(诗人、翻译家,中国社会科学院外国文学研究所研究员)
李 笠(旅欧诗人、翻译家)
田 原(旅日诗人、翻译家,日本城西国际大学教授)
海 岸(诗人、翻译家,复旦大学外文学院研究员)
雪 莲(Fiori Picco,意大利汉学家、翻译家)
罗伯特·艾多(Roberto Aedo,智利诗人、翻译家,智利大学教授)
乔纳斯·林内班克(Jonas Linnebank,德国诗人、翻译家、《科隆文学》主编)

艾莉莎·辛尼(Alyssa Sineni,美国诗人)
克里斯·约翰森(Chris Johnson,澳大利亚诗人)

《World Poetry·世界诗歌》杂志社

402/8 Station St,Homebush NSW 2140 Australia


社 长:
禺 农(诗人,世界诗歌网评审委员会副主任)

主 编:

周 敏(世界诗歌网编辑委员)

牧 野(诗人,世界诗歌网副总编辑)
曹 谁(诗人、翻译家,世界诗歌网副总编辑)

The inaugural ceremony of World Poetry magazine was held at Boao Forum for Asia

The logo of World Poetry magazine

The inaugural ceremony of the magazine World Poetry was held at the International Conference Center of Boao Forum for Asia on October 17, 2020. Famous Chinese poet, critic Xu Jingya, Chen Zhongyi, Che Yangao, Da Wei, famous Russian poet,Irina Chidonova, Tang Xilan, a famous translator and editor of World Poetry,Shu cai , President of Poetry magazine Yu Nong, deputy editor Mu Ye, Cao Shui attend the inaugural ceremony and unveiling for the Chinese editorial department . Han Qingcheng, chief editor of World Poetry magazine officiated at the inaugural ceremony.

The Chinese editorial Office of World Poetry magazine was inaugurated

Yu Nong first introduced the basic information of the magazine World Poetry. He said,World poetry is sponsored by Australian The Herald Publisher, world poetry movement and Boao International Poetry Festival and published by The Herald Publisher. The international standard serial number is ISSN 2652-7669.World poetry is a quarterly magazine with large format 16. It is edited and published in both Chinese and English. It is the only bilingual poetry magazine with full color design and printing in Sydney and Hong Kong at the same time.World Poetry magazine is distributed globally through Amazon meanwhile published in English-language national bookstores by The Herald Publisher, presenting Australian National Library, state libraries and a large number of community libraries; presenting nearly 300 member organizations of the world poetry movement in 135 countries; presenting to the Organizing Committee and judging committee and awarded poets in history of Boao International Poetry Festival; presenting to members of the academic committee, evaluation committee, Editorial Committee of the world poetry website, as well as channel consultants of various provinces in China; magazines are also presented to the editorial board of world poetry magazine and the authors of each issue; Through Boao International Poetry Festival cooperation units in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan region and ASEAN countries, build a more extensive international distribution, free subscription website.

From the perspective of editor and translator, Shu Cai said on behalf of the editor committee about the significance and practical approach of the publication of World Poetry.He said, Chinese poetry, especially modern poetry, has always been closely related to foreign languages. The better a poet's modern consciousness is, the more sensitive his translation. The outstanding modern poets of the last 100 years, more than half of them are proficient in a foreign language, both as authors and translators, and a large proportion of them are very important poets. After entering the new century, President Gideon Magar established the Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival, which actually established a platform for international poetry to communicate in China. I admire The perseverance of Gideon Magar, who has successfully held the Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival for five times in the ten years of Qinghai province. This is something we did not expect when we first planned it. Many foreign poets were invited to China, they came with excitement, both to discover this mysterious country and to know about contemporary Chinese poets. They were treated grandly in China and were eager to do something for Chinese poetry. There are indeed some lucky Chinese poets whose works have been translated abroad through the Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival. The purity of these works in foreign reading is beyond Chinese. The international image of Chinese poets is often based on your work being translated into English, French, Spanish and other languages. At present, there is a kind of anxiety between Chinese and foreign poetry, and the exchange of Chinese and foreign poetry falls on us. The establishment of World Poetry magazine is to erase this anxiety to a certain extent. In fact, all poets in other languages are writing poems in their Own Chinese. Chinese poets can only be translated into other languages if they write their Chinese poems well. As a French translator, many poets naively thought that I could translate Chinese poems directly into French, which is beyond my ability and I dare not try so far. We need more solidarity among foreign poets who are capable of working across languages, so it is fitting that the magazine World Poetry was founded. I heard from Qingcheng that this magazine will not only be very beautiful in material form, but also pay more attention to content and distribution. I think we should mobilize the excellent domestic translators and even cooperate with foreign poets to explore a more effective way of translation. There is usually a time difference between writing and translating, and the creation of the magazine World Poetry will help them to do that and at the same time relatively speaking, like French Poetry and German Poetry are very in sync. If your Poetry is published in French, it's almost always heard in German. Chinese poetry is our cultural soft power, if Chinese poetry can access to foreign countries in a very short time and a large range, it will be a great contribution to the confidence of Chinese culture. At the same time, through the magazine World Poetry, we will be the first to read about the latest achievements in English Poetry. Therefore, I am full of expectations for this magazine, because it is very connect with the current needs of Chinese poetry and poets.

Shu Cai spoke on behalf of the editorial board

Yu Nong introduces the overview of World Poetry magazine

Han Qingcheng presided over the ceremony and announced the establishment of world Poetry magazine

Mr. Han said in his speech, in the difficult times of globalization, I clearly feel that cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries have faced the issue of trust,' In this context, World Poetry will try its best to overcome the difficulties and promote the two-way communication and interaction between Chinese and Western Poetry. Over the past month, I have had in-depth conversations with foreign poets, especially from English-speaking countries, about the editing, publishing, printing and distribution of the magazine World Poetry. I have had three multi-party video conferences lasting more than an hour. With its English and Chinese editorial offices in operation, World Poetry is moving forward with its soliciting contributions and binding design to ensure the publication of its first issue on January 10, 2021. Today, on the international stage of Boao Forum for Asia, World Poetry has been formally founded. In January, The Herald Publisher will launch the initial issue of World Poetry in Australia, and the magazine's web site will launch in Australia, each issue will go online at the same time, offering readers access to the Internet for a fee. We are confident to work together with our foreign colleagues to achieve the goal of "creating the world's top poetry magazine". Han Qingcheng welcomes contributions from Chinese and foreign poets. For Chinese contributions, In addition to special invited contributions, please send your Chinese works to the world Poetry Forum "Poetry" channel (www.worldpoetry.cn). For English contributions, please send to the World Poetry Website International Channel English channel, or worldpoetrymagazine@outlook.com.
Subsequently, the Chinese editorial department of the magazine World Poetry was inaugurated. With the host Han Qingcheng counting backwards password, Xu Jingya, Chen Zhongyi, Che Yan Gao, Shu Cai, Da Wei, , Irina Chidonova, Tang Xilan, Yu Nong, Mu Ye, Cao Shui jointly opened the red silk that covered in the "world poetry magazine Chinese editorial department" the Chinese/English bilingual plaque, marked the Chinese editorial department start of the operation.

Editorial board of World Poetry
Honorary director:
Fernando Rendon (poet, President of Medellin International Poetry Festival, Colombia, general coordinator of the world poetry movement)

Huang Yazhou (poet, writer, vice chairman of the 6th China Writers Association and chairman of Boao International Poetry Festival)
Deputy director:
David Musgrave( Australian poet, scholar and translator)

committee member:
Gabriel Jaime Franco, Columbia poet and Secretary General of Medellin International Poetry Festival
Nurduran Duman (poet, translator, member of the presidium of Turkish writer pen association)
Ouyang Yu (Australian poet and translator)
Lin Denan, (poet and President of the Singapore Writers Association)
Wang Jianzhao (poet, translator, professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing Foreign Studies University)
Shucai (poet, translator, researcher of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences foreign literature Institute)
Li Li (Europe visiting poet and translator)
Tian Yuan (Japan visiting poet and translator, Professor of Japan Chengxi International University)
Huang shaozheng (independent translator, special translator of international writing program of China Writers Association, judge of "English World Cup")
Hai An (poet, translator, researcher of Fudan University foreign languages college)
Yu Guili (scholar, translator, director of Persian language major of Beijing Foreign Studies University, doctor of Persian Literature)
Fiori Picco (Italian Sinologist and translator)
Ma Shiju (Australian poet and translator)
Kim Tae sung (Korean poet and translator)
Roberto Aedo (Chilean poet, translator, Professor of Chile University)
Jonesbank( German Translator)

Editorial Board member:
English Editorial Department
Alyssa Sineni, American poet
Wulingyi (Australian poet, vice president of Pioneer Press)
Chris Johnson (Australian poet, editor of Pancher and Waterman Press)

Chinese Editorial Department
Han Qingcheng (Editor-in-chief of World Poetry Website)
Zhang Ergun (resident poet of Capital Normal University in 2017, Poet of the Year 2013 of Poetry Weekly)
Guo Jinniu (Winner of the first International Chinese Poetry Award and Poet of the Year 2018 of Poetry Weekly)

World Poetry periodical office

402/8 station st,Homebush NSW 2140 Australia
Sabrina (writer, President of Pioneer Press)

Yu Nong (poet, deputy director of the evaluation committee of world poetry website)

Editor in chief:
Han Qingcheng (poet, Secretary General of Boao International Poetry Festival, chief editor of world poetry website)

Vice President :
Wulingyi (Australian poet, vice president of Pioneer Press)
Zhou Min (editorial member of world poetry website)

Deputy editor in chief:
Makino (poet, deputy editor in chief of world poetry website)
Cao Shui (poet, translator, deputy editor in chief of world poetry website)
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